Press Releases

Middle Housing Survey


The City of Roseburg is working to expand housing choices for its residents, especially housing types that may be less expensive and smaller-scale than single-family detached dwellings. The Middle Housing Code Update Project will update the city's zoning code standards for residential development to comply with the spirit and specifics of recently passed state legislation as one tool to help address local and statewide housing shortages.

The City’s zoning code updates will allow for a range of “middle housing” types required by House Bill 2001 (HB 2001), including duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, townhouses, and cottage clusters. While single-family detached dwellings (SFDDs) are and will continue to be the predominant housing type in Roseburg, middle housing types typically are less costly, meet the housing needs of smaller households, including younger people and older adults, and reduce environmental impacts associated with large houses.

For more information on House Bill 2001, please visit the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development’s Housing Choices website.

As part of the public outreach process, we ask the public to please fill out a brief survey and give us feedback on the proposed Middle Housing code changes.

Click here to do the survey:

The purpose of this survey is to gauge community preferences related to middle housing as the City works to adapt the state requirements to meet local needs. The survey should take about 10 minutes.  Responses will be kept confidential and reported in aggregate. Please complete the survey by December 31, 2020.

Posted by RoseburgAdmin