Press Releases
Lookingglass Rd repairs start Tuesday
Drivers should use caution and expect delays when three days of maintenance to extend the life of Lookingglass Road begins next week in southwest Roseburg, weather permitting.
Fire Dept hires first female fire marshal
The Roseburg Fire Department is pleased to announce the hiring of Fire Marshal Cheryl Flick -- who will serve as the City’s first female fire marshal.
Audubon, Library program with wildlife artist
The Umpqua Valley Audubon Society and Roseburg Public Library invite the community to a Facebook Live streaming event with Oregon artist Ram Papish at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 6.
Recycling, waste prevention booth Saturday
Interested in recycling and waste prevention? Stop by the City's recycling and waste prevention booth at the Umpqua Valley Farmers’ Market this Saturday, Aug. 19, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Cooling center closing after today
The Roseburg Senior Center will close the cooling center for the week after today. The center will open at 1614 S.E. Stephens St. from 1 to 7 p.m. today.
City Finance Department earns awards
The City’s financial position remains healthy – which residents can learn about in two financial reports for fiscal year 2022 that have won national recognition for the Roseburg Finance Department.
Stay safe: Heat, water and fire safety tips
The Roseburg Fire Department encourages residents to protect your health during the upcoming heat wave and help protect this beautiful city and the surrounding area by doing your part to prevent fires.
Senior Center to open cooling center Monday
The Roseburg Senior Center will open a cooling center to offer shelter from next week’s heat wave.
Audubon, Library to provide 'birding' bags
The Umpqua Valley Audubon Society and Roseburg Public Library have teamed up to provide new "birding" bags that can be checked out to make bird-watching experiences fun and informative.
Reduce fire risk, nuisance from grass & weeds
With wildfire season underway and forecasts predicting highs at or near 100 starting Sunday, the City reminds property owners to keep grasses and weeds at or below 12 inches year-round.