Press Releases
Roseburg Library to add digital magazines
Roseburg Public Library is adding digital magazines to the collection based on the recommendation of the Roseburg Library Commission.
Professor to discuss Willamette tribe histories
Roseburg Library invites the public to David Lewis' presentation of his book, "Tribal Histories of the Willamette Valley," Thursday, May 2.
Homeowners urged to get flood insurance
The City encourages building owners in or near flood zones to get flood insurance and take other steps to protect their properties this spring.
Enter Arbor Day Photo Contest by April 19
Celebrate the beauty of trees in Roseburg by entering the City’s first Arbor Day Photo Contest by 5 p.m. Friday, April 19.
Audubon, Library to host falcons presentation
The Umpqua Valley Audubon Society and Roseburg Library offer “Recovering the World’s Fastest Bird of Prey: Adventures with Peregrine Falcons” at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 24.
Campaign sign rules in effect
City officials want to remind candidates to follow City and Oregon law involving political signs for the Primary Election on Tuesday, May 21.
Library to host Umpqua Valley wine program
Roseburg Library offers a presentation on wine making, viticulture and the history of wine in the Umpqua Valley Thursday, April 11.
Fire Department to issue spring burn permits
The Roseburg Fire Department will issue residential burn permits for 30 days from Monday, April 15, through Wednesday, May 15.
Urban growth boundary process ramps up
A key phase begins soon for a proposed urban growth boundary swap to bring easier-to-develop land within an area expected to grow over the next 20 years and encourage more housing construction.
Enter the Arbor Day photo contest!
Roseburg Parks and Recreation invites you to enter the 2024 Arbor Day Photo Contest, which launches today. Deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, April 19.