Press Releases
Library Friends book sale a great success
This month’s Winter Book Sale set a sales record for the Friends of the Roseburg Public Library.
Warming shelter to open extra night
The Roseburg Warming Center will be open an extra night this week, offering overnight shelter to unhoused people through Saturday, Dec. 17, then seeking wash day volunteers on Sunday.
City offices, library to close for Christmas
City of Roseburg buildings will be closed Friday, Dec. 23, and Monday, Dec. 26, for the Christmas holiday. The library will be closed on Christmas Eve, Saturday, Dec. 24.
City taking commission applications
The City is taking applications from Roseburg residents who’d like to serve on the Roseburg Planning Commission.
New faces join Council, two retire
Some new faces are joining the Roseburg City Council following the recent election as well as an appointment Monday night, while two retiring Councilors are being recognized for their service.
Warming shelter to open next week
An overnight warming shelter is expected to be open again next week in Roseburg.
Painting to be unveiled Monday
A new Roseburg Sesquicentennial painting commemorating the city’s 150th birthday will be unveiled to the public at the Roseburg City Council meeting Monday, Dec. 12.
Tourism grant application deadline nears
With the deadline fast approaching and the holiday season about to kick into high gear, there’s no better time for local businesses and organizations to apply for a City of Roseburg tourism grant.
City employees help bring magic to locals’ holidays
City of Roseburg employees are helping to make a difference in local residents’ lives through holiday gift-giving programs this season.
Volunteers needed to open warming shelter
Volunteers are needed to help open the Roseburg Warming Center tonight to provide a warm and dry overnight shelter for the community’s most vulnerable residents.