Press Releases


Annual fire hydrant flushing begins

The Roseburg Fire Department will conduct annual fire hydrant flushing from Saturday, April 1, through Friday, June 30. Hydrants will be flushed seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The community’s cooperation is appreciated.


Trees to be celebrated in April

Celebrate Arbor Day Saturday, April 1, in Stewart Park after Roseburg was redesignated as a “Tree City USA.” Mayor Larry Rich is expected to proclaim April as “Arbor Month” in Roseburg, where the Tree City USA flag will fly outside City Hall throughout April.


Amy Sowa retires from City

Amy Sowa retired as Roseburg’s assistant city manager/city recorder on Friday, March 31, after a five-year stint that capped a career spanning more than two decades and two city governments. Sowa grew up in Roseburg and returned to become city recorder in 2018.


Library to host Holocaust education program

Roseburg Library will host a Zoom program, “Resistance and Rescue During the Holocaust,” by the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education. The program will analyze the action and inaction of people confronted with systematic hatred toward others.