A storm pipe installation project underway on West Harvard Avenue is shifting to daytime hours Mondays through Fridays to avoid disturbing nearby residents with overnight rock hammering.
Motorists should expect lane closures and brief possible delays on a short stretch of West Harvard Avenue after contractors begin a storm pipe project Sunday, Sept. 10.
Thousands of Vaux’s Swifts are roosting nightly in a chimney at Fir Grove Park – and the local Audubon Society chapter invites you to witness the awesome natural spectacle of seasonal bird migration.
City of Roseburg buildings will close Monday, Sept. 4, to observe the Labor Day holiday recognizing American workers’ contributions to the country’s prosperity and social and economic strength.
Drivers should use caution and expect delays when three days of maintenance to extend the life of Lookingglass Road begins next week in southwest Roseburg, weather permitting.
The Umpqua Valley Audubon Society and Roseburg Public Library invite the community to a Facebook Live streaming event with Oregon artist Ram Papish at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 6.
Interested in recycling and waste prevention? Stop by the City's recycling and waste prevention booth at the Umpqua Valley Farmers’ Market this Saturday, Aug. 19, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.