Press Releases
Library to host program with solar advocate
Roseburg Public Library invites the public to join a Facebook Live streaming event Thursday, March 31, to discuss sustainable practices with community solar advocate Julie Williams.
New floodplain map simplifies data search
Searching for floodplain information and documents has just gotten easier in Roseburg.
Navigation center moves forward
City officials will collaborate with a local poverty-fighting agency to open the City’s emergency shelter and navigation center this summer after the Roseburg City Council approved a contract in an amount not to exceed $3.25 million on Monday, March 14.
Survey on adult summer reading program
Roseburg Public Library Director Kris Wiley would like adult readers' input to help make this year’s Summer Reading Program the best yet.
City urges candidates to follow sign rules
City officials remind candidates and campaign workers that signs must follow Oregon state law and Roseburg Municipal Code to be legal.
“Green Bridge” to close overnight Friday
Stewart Park Drive Bridge will be closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic for inspection work overnight on Friday, March 11.
Masks optional at City buildings March 12
Mask use will be optional for visitors at City facilities starting Saturday, March 12, as the Oregon Health Authority lifts the state’s indoor mask mandate following a drop in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.
COVID-19 grant program for small businesses
Small Douglas County businesses including microenterprises may be eligible for COVID-19 relief funds through a $500,000 community development block grant program accepting applications this month.
Parking tickets start April 1
Drivers who visit downtown Roseburg and the Laurelwood area are getting a reprieve as parking tickets won’t start to be given out until Friday, April 1.
Parking enforcement to resume in March
Parking enforcement will resume downtown and in the Laurelwood neighborhood in March. Changes are being put into place following extensive community input on a new parking plan.